A GPU-based C++ implementation of Convolutional Neural Nets
CAvgPooler | |
Cbbox | |
▼CConvNet | A Convolutional Net Model |
CGradChecker | |
CMultiGPUConvNet | |
Ccudamat | |
Ccudamat_bbox | |
Ccudamat_sparse | |
CDataHandler | Makes data accessible to the model |
▼CDataIterator | Base class for implementing data iterators |
CDummyDataIterator | A dummy iterator |
CHDF5DataIterator< T > | An iterator over a dataset in an HDF5 file |
CImageDataIterator | An iterator over images stored as individual files |
CSlidingWindowDataIterator | An iterator over sliding windows of an image dataset |
CTextDataIterator | An iterator over data stored in a text file |
▼CDataWriter | Writes data into an HDF5 file |
CAveragedDataWriter | Buffers a specified number of batches, averages them and then writes the average into an HDF5 file |
CSequentialAveragedDataWriter | Averages a specified number of consecutive entries and writes the average into an HDF5 file |
▼CEdge | This class is intended to be used as a base class for implementing edges |
CDownSampleEdge | Implements a down-sampling edge |
▼CEdgeWithWeight | Base class for all edges which have weights |
CConvEdge | Implements a convolutional edge |
CConvOneToOneEdge | An edge with one-to-one connectivity over spatial locations |
CFCEdge | Implements a fully-connected edge |
CLocalEdge | Implements a locally connected edge |
CMaxPoolEdge | Implements a Max-pool edge |
CResponseNormEdge | Response Normalization across filters at the same location |
CRGBToYUVEdge | Implements an edge that maps RGB to YUV |
CUpSampleEdge | Implements an up-sampling edge |
CImageDisplayer | |
▼CLayer | The base class for all layers |
▼CLinearLayer | Implements a layer with a linear activation function |
CReLULayer | Implements a layer with a rectified linear activation function |
CLogisticLayer | Implements a layer with a logistic activation function |
▼CSoftmaxLayer | Implements a layer with a softmax activation function |
CSoftmaxDistLayer | Implements a layer with a softmax activation function |
CMatrix | A GPU matrix class |
CMaxPooler | |
▼COptimizer | Base class for all optimizers |
CLBFGSOptimizer | Implmenets LBFGS optimization |
CSGDOptimizer | Stochastic gradient descent |
CProbMaxPooler | |
CRawImageFileIterator< T > | An iterator over list of image files |
CRawImageFileIterator< unsigned char > | |
Crnd_struct | |
CSlidingWindowIterator< T > | An iterator over sliding windows of an image |
CSlidingWindowIterator< unsigned char > | |
Csparse_data |