| EdgeWithWeight (const config::Edge &edge_config) |
virtual void | Initialize () |
| Initialize the weights and biases. More...
virtual void | SaveParameters (hid_t file) |
| Write the weights and biases in an hdf5 file. More...
virtual void | LoadParameters (hid_t file) |
| Load the weights and biases from an hdf5 file. More...
virtual void | LoadParameters (hid_t file, const string &edge_name) |
virtual float | GetRMSWeight () |
| Returns the root mean square weight value. More...
virtual void | ReduceLearningRate (float factor) |
| Reduce the learning rate by factor. More...
virtual bool | HasNoParameters () const |
| Returns whether the edge has any parameters. More...
virtual int | GetNumModules () const |
| Returns the number of modules. More...
virtual void | DisplayWeights () |
| Displays the weights. More...
virtual void | DisplayWeightStats () |
| Displays the statistics of the weights. More...
virtual void | SetTiedTo (Edge *e) |
| Sets the edge to be tied to another edge. More...
virtual void | UpdateWeights () |
| Update the weights. More...
Matrix & | GetWeight () |
Matrix & | GetGradWeight () |
Matrix & | GetBias () |
Matrix & | GetGradBias () |
float | GetDecayedEpsilon (float base_epsilon) const |
float | GetMomentum () const |
virtual void | InsertPolyak () |
virtual void | BackupCurrent () |
virtual void | LoadCurrentOnGPU () |
virtual void | LoadPolyakOnGPU () |
| Edge (const config::Edge &edge_config) |
| Instatntiate an Edge from the config. More...
virtual void | AllocateMemory (bool fprop_only) |
| Allocate memory for the model. More...
virtual void | ComputeUp (Matrix &input, Matrix &output, bool overwrite)=0 |
| Computes the output layer state given the input. More...
virtual void | ComputeDown (Matrix &deriv_output, Matrix &input, Matrix &output, Matrix &deriv_input, bool overwrite)=0 |
| Computes the derivative w.r.t the inputs of this edge given the derivative w.r.t the outputs of this edge. More...
virtual void | ComputeOuter (Matrix &input, Matrix &deriv_output) |
| Computes the gradient for the weights and biases. More...
virtual void | SetImageSize (int image_size) |
| Set the spatial size of the input to this edge. More...
bool | IsBackPropBlocked () const |
| Returns whether back prop is blocked through this edge. More...
void | SetSource (Layer *source) |
void | SetDest (Layer *dest) |
Layer * | GetSource () |
Layer * | GetDest () |
const string & | GetSourceName () |
const string & | GetDestName () |
const string & | GetName () |
void | SetInputChannels (int a) |
| Set the number of input channels. More...
void | SetOutputChannels (int a) |
| Set the number of output channels. More...
void | SetMark () |
bool | HasMark () |
string | GetTiedEdgeName () |
bool | IsTied () |
int | GetGPUId () const |
void | ComputeStart (Matrix &mat) |
void | ComputeEnd (Matrix &mat) |
Base class for all edges which have weights.
All edges which have trainable parameters should inherit from this class.