ConvNet  1.0
A GPU-based C++ implementation of Convolutional Neural Nets
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAveragedDataWriterBuffers a specified number of batches, averages them and then writes the average into an HDF5 file
 CConvEdgeImplements a convolutional edge
 CConvNetA Convolutional Net Model
 CConvOneToOneEdgeAn edge with one-to-one connectivity over spatial locations
 CDataHandlerMakes data accessible to the model
 CDataIteratorBase class for implementing data iterators
 CDataWriterWrites data into an HDF5 file
 CDownSampleEdgeImplements a down-sampling edge
 CDummyDataIteratorA dummy iterator
 CEdgeThis class is intended to be used as a base class for implementing edges
 CEdgeWithWeightBase class for all edges which have weights
 CFCEdgeImplements a fully-connected edge
 CHDF5DataIteratorAn iterator over a dataset in an HDF5 file
 CImageDataIteratorAn iterator over images stored as individual files
 CLayerThe base class for all layers
 CLBFGSOptimizerImplmenets LBFGS optimization
 CLinearLayerImplements a layer with a linear activation function
 CLocalEdgeImplements a locally connected edge
 CLogisticLayerImplements a layer with a logistic activation function
 CMatrixA GPU matrix class
 CMaxPoolEdgeImplements a Max-pool edge
 COptimizerBase class for all optimizers
 CRawImageFileIteratorAn iterator over list of image files
 CReLULayerImplements a layer with a rectified linear activation function
 CResponseNormEdgeResponse Normalization across filters at the same location
 CRGBToYUVEdgeImplements an edge that maps RGB to YUV
 CSequentialAveragedDataWriterAverages a specified number of consecutive entries and writes the average into an HDF5 file
 CSGDOptimizerStochastic gradient descent
 CSlidingWindowDataIteratorAn iterator over sliding windows of an image dataset
 CSlidingWindowIteratorAn iterator over sliding windows of an image
 CSoftmaxDistLayerImplements a layer with a softmax activation function
 CSoftmaxLayerImplements a layer with a softmax activation function
 CTextDataIteratorAn iterator over data stored in a text file
 CUpSampleEdgeImplements an up-sampling edge